



7th Grade Survey of the Old Testament: Creation of all good things; the Fall of humanity and the need for Grace; the history of redemption through Israel; feeling the truth of the 诗歌 of Scripture; the prophets’ look at the coming Kingdom and Messiah

八年级基督的生命:独一无二的诞生, 生活, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ; evaluating the most significant sermon of all time; overcoming temptation and the eternal state

9th Grade Acts of the Apostles: The new Kingdom community; the power of the Holy Spirit to change lives; withstanding external and internal attacks; the role of the Christian in society; changing prejudices; living a 生活 of evangelism

10th Grade Romans and Proverbs: A 生活 changing Treatise of the gospel’s description of creation, 秋天, redemption and restoration; a practical look at wisdom and how to live a meaningful 生活

11th Grade Knowing God: The Doctrines of knowing God through His revealed essence and attributes; the doctrine of humanity and our responsibility to seek God where He may be found

12th Grade Timeless Truth: Understanding the basis for and the application of the Christian worldview to interacting and creating culture; evaluating the similarities and differences between other worldviews and religions



数学7(预代数)-在预代数, students work with variables which are placeholders for values.  This allows them to work with problems in more abstract ways, and is a prerequisite for Algebra.  Students learn how to solve and graph algebraic equations and inequalities. They work with decimals and fractions which is a prerequisite for ratio and percent problems.  引入指数. 多边形,以及面积和体积的研究.  探讨了直角三角形和勾股定理.

Math 8 (Algebra) – The topics introduced in pre-Algebra  are review and extended in Algebra.  代数中的新概念是集合, 求解方程组和不等式, 非线性函数, 对线性函数的深入分析, 多项式, 保理, 和激进分子. Students continue to solve word problems to improve their problem-solving abilities.

Geometry – Students learn how to construct lines, angles, figures and transform them.  他们学习逻辑,如何推理和写证明. 对四边形的性质进行了分析.  研究了图形的一致性和相似性.  计算图形的面积、表面积和体积.

Algebra 2 and Trigonometry -  This subject begins with a review and extension of many of the topics in Algebra such as 保理 多项式, 解方程和不等式, simplifying and solving rational expressions 和激进分子.  代数2更详细地研究了函数, 包括组成, 逆, exponential and logarithmic functions and relationships and graphing of 非线性函数.  对二次方程进行了更详细的研究.  介绍了复数、序列和级数.  Trigonometric functions are covered in the later part of the school year.  Trigonometric functions are explored in right triangles and in the unit circle. 三角函数图也进行了探讨. Trigonometric identities, equations, and applications are taught.

Pre-Calculus – This class begins with a review of Trigonometry and then reviews as well as expands previous subjects of functions, 逆, 多项式, 和公式.  然后讨论了二次曲线和复数.  The remainder of the class covers matrix algebra, statistics, and sequences.  临近学年结束的时候, 课堂开始讨论极限, which flows nicely from sequences and acts as an introduction to Calculus.

统计学——在这门课上, 我们研究了不同的收集方式, analyzing and presenting data as well as study probability.  报刊上经常引用统计数字, and students learn different ways of summarizing data with a value or an interval and how to determine if the statistical study appears legitimate.  Another way of presenting and analyzing data is through its variability.  Students learn about the normal distribution and binomial distribution.

– This class will investigate a number of topics with the goal of introducing students to financial awareness in both the personal and business sector.  Topics will include pay, savings, spending,  loans, expenses and budgeting.  将给予企业财务时间, 比如航运, 办公产品, 旅行, 制造业, 实现收支平衡.  在课堂上的某个时刻, students will pick a career that they believe they will end up with and then simulate their financial 生活 while investigating the topics above.




七年级:综合阅读, 写作, 语法, and vocabulary; short stories, 诗歌, and selected novels such as The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, 金爵杯, 圣诞颂歌, and The Hobbit; 写作 includes research papers, 期刊, 信息丰富的, 叙述, 还有说服性文章, 还有创意写作.

八年级:综合阅读, 写作, 语法, and vocabulary; short stories, 诗歌, 以及《体育菠菜大平台》等精选小说, 一岁的, and The Giver; 写作 includes research papers, 期刊, 信息丰富的, 叙述, 还有说服性文章, 还有创意写作.

九年级:综合阅读, 写作, 语法, and vocabulary; short stories, 诗歌, 以及精选的戏剧和小说,如《体育菠菜大平台》, 猩红的罂粟花, 螺丝带信, and To Kill A Mockingbird; 写作 includes research papers, 期刊, 信息丰富的, 好辩的, 还有说服性文章, 还有创意写作.

10年级:综合阅读, 写作, 语法, and vocabulary; short stories, 诗歌, 以及《体育菠菜大平台》等精选戏剧和小说, 罗密欧与朱丽叶, 西拉水手, Dr. 杰基尔和先生. 海德, and Lord of the Flies; 写作 includes research papers, 期刊, 信息丰富的, 好辩的, 还有说服性文章, 还有创意写作.

11年级:综合阅读, 写作, 语法, and vocabulary; a focus on American literature through short stories, 诗歌, and selected plays and novels such as The Scarlet Letter, 《哈克贝利·费恩历险记, 我的安东尼娅, 我们的小镇, 了不起的盖茨比, 单独的和平, and Fahrenheit 451; 写作 includes research papers, 期刊, 信息丰富的, 好辩的, 还有说服性文章.

12th grade: A special program for high honor students to complete their freshman year of college along with their senior year in high school through an online composition 101 course. 对于我们的高中课程:综合阅读, 写作, 语法, and vocabulary; a focus on 生活-changing literature through short stories, 诗歌, 以及《失乐园》等精选戏剧和小说, 贝奥武夫, 庞贝最后的日子, 麦克白, 哈姆雷特, 认真的重要性, 藏身之处, Tuesdays With Morrie and various contemporary choices; 写作 includes research papers, 期刊, 信息丰富的, 好辩的, 还有说服性文章.



7th & 〇8年级 生命科学 - The study of living things in God’s Creation and the classification of organisms. We will study the five Kingdoms of living things; Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plants, and Animals. 科学概论 - This course is divided into three major areas of study: 化学, Physics, and Earth Science. In each of these areas of study we will see how God’s design is evident.

九年级和十年级 物理科学导论 —IPS是基于实验室的类. This means most of the work of this class will be done in small groups by doing labs. Labs will lead students into how to separate and identify different substances by their physical characteristics. 生物学 - We will study God’s creation and see that it was God that created the different kinds and not natural processes and chemicals. We shall see that natural selection and adaptation preserve 生活 forms, rather than produce new ones.

11年级和12年级 化学 - Through the study of chemistry we will clearly see the invisible hand of God in even the very minute. 学习的主题将包括能源, 气体定律, 摩尔, 化学方程式, 化学计量学, 原子粒子, 化学键, 还有吸引力, 平衡, 酸和碱.  物理概念 - The concepts of physics will be learned and experienced through discussions and labs. Math will not be stressed, so even the average math student can excel in this class. 强调力学领域. Other areas covered will be sound, light, color, reflection, refraction, and electronics.



(9th/10th Grade) - Man is unique from every other living organism on earth, 是按照上帝的形象特别创造的. The health curriculum is based on the truth that man is fearfully and wonderfully made by God and His works are wonderful. The year’s work will go through the different parts and systems of the human body.



7/8年级-  美国历史- This course is designed to be a basic survey of American History from the time of the native Americans to the 21st century.  Students are encouraged and reminded of God's blessings on America and the importance of righteousness for the American people.  主要内容包括:殖民时期的美国, 美国独立战争和共和国的建立, 西迁, 奴隶制和南北战争, 工业革命, 进步运动, 第一次世界大战, 咆哮的20年代, 大萧条, 二战, 冷战, the turbulent 1960's and the Unisted States' role in the 20th century.  Special emphasis is given to the imprtance of the church and the moral and cultural changes that have taken place in America. 世界历史-  From Creation to the Renaissance; Students will learn to appreciate God's sovereignty in the creation of the world and His grace in dealing with mankind.  Students will study the major cultures of the ancient world and their accomplishments, 尤其是他们的宗教和精神信仰.  Special attention will be given to the redemption of mankind through the Messiah and the growth of and importance of the early church.  The decline of the church in the Middle Ages will also be examined along with the critical events of the Renaissance and the Reformation.. 现代将在9/10世界史中进行研究.

9/10年级-  世界地理-  The students will study the two main branches of geography = physical geography and human geography.  God's role in the creation of the world and the resources that He has placed in it for man's benefit will be emphasized.  The major physical features of the various continents and countries will also be studied and analyzed, 以及经济和重点产品.  The religions and spiritual condition of each major world culture region will be discussed and examined.. There are many "hands on" activities such as maps of the major countries of the world that the students will work on.  世界历史- This is a survey course, from the earliest years of creation to the 21st century.  就像世界历史的八分之一 , the major cultures of world history will be studied from a Biblical view point.  在现代, the importance of philosophy and thinking will be analyzed and discussed- the "why" behind man's actions and reactions.  The incredible effects of 工业革命 and the technology revolution will also be studied.  The difference of a single 生活 for good or evil will be looked at - from men such as David Livingstone to Karl Marx.  A brief survey of the future of mankind is included at the end of the course.

11/12年级  美国历史上 - As in the 7/8th American History class, the mahor themes of American History will be studied .  Students will be strongly encouraged to do much more thinking and analyzing of the importance of a Biblical World view and the consequences of not applying God's eternal principles to American politics and history.  One major report and/or project will be assigned each semester to encourage research and further study pf a topic of interest to the student. 美国政府与经济 - Students will study the foundation of the American political document as the U.S. 宪法?  God's basic principles of government will be discussed and analyzed, such as "why do we need a government and which form is best?  学生将详细学习宪法, especially how the three branches of the federal government work and interact with each other.  Students are encouraged to be active in the American political process by discussing the major political issues of the day and by voting.  在经济学, 研究自由企业制度, 伴随着需求和供给的基本原则, 努力工作的重要性, 等.  The trend of the American economy as it moves toward socialism will also be analyzed and examined.



Spanish 1 - Students are given an introduction to both oral and written Spanish.  We pray that they will see the utility and wisdom in becoming proficient in a second language.  We also discuss, explore, and pray for the Spiritual needs of Spanish People Groups around the world.  穷Todo el Mundo(巴西)

Spanish 2 - (Pre-requisite Spanish 1)  This course continues by teaching 语法 and vocabulary in Spanish.  Special emphasis is placed on the imperfect and future verb tenses.  Oral skills, expecially speaking the language in informal settings are highlighted.